I had a dream that I was in the midst of warfare. This made rest difficult, perhaps impossible, because sleeping was the time when we would be most vulnerable to attack. I was searching for a safe place. A place where I would not be seen and killed. I found a closet and decided to hide under a blanket inside.
Insomnia may result from post-traumatic stress due to a nervous system which is wired to stay vigilant in order to survive. Our nervous system has two branches- one which allows us to be awake and alert (sympathetic branch) and the other which allows us to relax and sleep (parasympathetic branch). When living in a war zone, our nervous system is on high alert, ruled by the sympathetic branch. When we are no longer in the war zone, we may need to re-train our nervous system to re-engage the parasympathetic branch.
The good news is that we have tools to alleviate the hyperarousal of the nervous system and switch back on the parasympathetic branch. These are easily learnable skills which you can practice, master, and experience immediate and long-term benefits from. What I want you to know is that you don’t have to live with the recurring flashbacks and nightmares, the lack of sleep, feeling numb, jittery, on edge, or guilty.
The breath is a master key which regulates the two branches of the nervous system. The tool for healing is built right inside of you. It may be a part of what the Jedi knights in the Star Wars movies call, “training with the Force.”
Yes, the force is in you.
The combat zone you survived may have been in the middle of a war in a distant country, or it may have been right in your own home, as a child or spouse with an abusive parent or partner. It is traumatizing whenever we are assaulted or witness an assault.
We have lots of treatment options for trauma. What I know for sure is that we can retrain our nervous system by re- training the breath. We can name and express the emotions and resolve the deeper issues of trust, fear and worthiness.
The VAs National Center for PTSD has made June PTSD Awareness month. Awareness leads to healing. If you or a loved one are suffering, please reach out for help. We are honored to serve you.