Yoga and Meditation Classes
Guiding the Yogi Spirit- Gentle, empowering and therapeutic yoga classes which assist in releasing trauma and anxiety held in the body. Movement is combined with imagery which results in remembrance of and connection to spiritual qualities. Published in: Yoga Therapy for Anxiety: A Case Report. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine 2013; 27(4):18-21.
Wholistic and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (WMBSR)- This six-week course is for teens and adults (aged 13 and over) who wish to cope more effectively with stressful situations, manage emotions, reduce anxiety, and increase positive outlook. This course is published on in: Wholistic Medicine for Infants: Wholistic- and Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction for Parents. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal 2012;11(5):32-37.
Lovingkindness Meditation- Lovingkindness meditation is a heart-based practice which cultivates self-compassion and empathy. The result is healing from self-critical thoughts and more satisfying relationships. This class is published in: Lovingkindness Meditation in Psychology. Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2016; 22(3): 111-116, and A Superhero’s Guide to Self-Compassion and Empathy
Sounding Meditation- Chant healing mantras in the ancient and vibrational language of Sanskrit. Mantras are sound codes with specific energetic effects. Sounding meditation has been documented to improve Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and emotional mood.
“We had a most wonderful Holy Night as we experienced the Loving Kindness Meditation. It was one of the most beautiful and moving evenings of a wonderful series of Holy Night gatherings. Carolyn’s guiding us through the Loving Kindness Meditation by way of beautiful imagery was truly remarkable, as was the depth of our sharing in our conversation afterwards. It exceeded all our expectations and I hope she will offer this again next year. Warmly,
“Dr. Willow, I just wanted to say thank you for the great stress reduction class. It has been a huge help for me these past few weeks. I was able to remember things that I used to do, as well as learn many new ways to calm down. I have less tension headaches and neck and shoulder pain. Also, I’m able to catch myself in the early stages of anxiety and often reverse it. This has been a particularily hard year-and this class couldn’t have come at a better time. I know I will continue these practices at home- alone and with my kids. Thank you for all you shared with us, and also for allowing us to share our stories and thoughts. It was very therapeutic each week... and it helps me to remember that I am not alone in my struggles-even though we all go through different trials. Thank you! ”
“I also wanted to say a belated thank you for making my week at Samasati so meaningful. I laugh every time I think of the paralyzing fear that I felt when you said the words “sounded meditation.” I NEVER sing aloud and the sound of my own voice was very peculiar. I’m getting the hang of it now and it has really been a useful tool for calming and redirecting anxiety as I’ve been dealing with my father’s illness and my stepsisters.
Carolyn, it was truly a pleasure meeting you. It’s not often that I meet someone that makes such a profound impression and that I immediately trust. You guided me back onto the road of wonder and discovery by your example and I left Samasati with renewed hope and excitement. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Peace and love,”