Hawaii Licensed Mental Health Counselor #421
Ph.D. Psychology, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, 2008
M.A. Virology, Harvard Medical School, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1991
B.S. Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987
Halau Ka Lei Mokihana o’ Leina’ala (kupuna class) with Kumu Hula Leina’ala Paveo Jardin, 2023-present
Halau Na 'Olapa Mamao E Malama Hula [Colorado Hula] with Kumu Hula La'ela'eikealookalaumaile (La’e) Sundberg, 2016-2020
Prabhupada Research Institute for Integrative Medicine, board member (2018-present)
Clean Energy Action, Boulder CO, board member (2018-2020)
Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, editorial board (2017-present)
Omnicare Geriatric Pharmaceutical Care Guidelines, editorial board, (2009-2014)
International Journal of Yoga Therapy, editorial board (2008-2014)
Natural Standard Research Collaboration, Boston MA, editorial board (2007-2014).
Mountain Voice Health, Boulder, CO and Princeville, HI, 2002-present
Kauai Community Health Alliance dba Hale Le’a Medicine/North Shore Wellness Center, Kilauea, HI, 2020-2023
Hawaii Center for Children and Families, Kapolei, HI, 2020-2022
Give an Hour (Pro-bono counseling for veterans), Clarksburg, MD, 2011-2016
Wholeness Center, Fort Collins, CO, 2009-2011
Boulder Community Hospital Canine Corps, (pet therapy),Boulder, CO, 2004-2008
Clinical practicum at Helios Health Center, Boulder, CO, 2002-2003
Practical information on HIV/AIDS, STDs, and substance abuse prevention for teen classroom educational workbooks for the WHEEL Council, Flagstaff AZ, 2000-2008
Evidence-based research reviews and written reporting on safety, efficacy, dosage, mechanism of action, and drug interactions of herbal medicines and CAM therapies for medical professionals for the American Botanical Council/Texas Medical Association, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Advanced Concepts Institute, and Natural Standard Research Collaboration, Boston MA, 1997-2008
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2017-2020
Samasati Nature Retreat Center, Costa Rica, 2008
Herb Research Foundation, Boulder CO, 1998-1999
Prescott College, Prescott AZ, 1991-1994
Yavapai College, Prescott AZ, 1991-1995
Field research for Center for Disease Control (CDC) hantavirus surveillance study in central AZ, 1994
Laboratory bench research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Botany and Genetics (proliferative growth of Schizophylum commune), the McArdle Labs for Cancer Research (gene regulation in avian and murine retroviruses), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (maleria), and Harvard Medical School of Public Health (HIV evolution in AIDS patients, 1985-1990
Non-Denominational Minister, the Universal Life Church Monastery 2017
Honors and Awards
Current and Critical Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Research, Pangea Conference for Integrative Pediatric Wellness, New York NY, 2008